Teacher Guide Foundation Basics - iCivics - [PDF Document] (2024)

Teacher Guide Foundation Basics - iCivics - [PDF Document] (1)

Teacher Guide

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Foundation Basics

Step by Step

AnticipAte the lesson by asking student to think about someone who has power. Ask students to describe this person’s power. Then ask: Why do others follow this person or do what this person says? Where does this person’s power come from? Why do you believe in this person’s power? Is there anyone more powerful than this person? Who?

tell students that they will learn about key characteristics that make up a government’s foundation.

Distribute the reading pages to students.

reAD the reading with students, pausing to discuss as needed. Alternatively, have students read in groups or independently.

Distribute the lesson activities to students. Preview the activities and go over the instructions. Assign students to complete the activities in groups or pairs. For several activities, answers will vary. Tell students that acceptable answers are supported with sound logic.

review answers. Students will benefit from discussing answers and considering perspectives that may differ from their own. Correct or clarify student responses as needed.

DisplAy the PALS projection master. Group students into 8 groups. Give each group one Government Card to read and discuss.

tell student that they will analyze the key characteristics of different types of government to identify the government’s power, authority, legitimacy, and sovereignty.

Give students time to discuss, then call on groups to tell the class about their governement and its key characteristics. As groups share, record answers on the PALS projection master for the class to see.

close by asking students: Why do you think power, authority, legitimacy, and sovereignty are key characteristics that every government has?

Teacher Guide

Time Needed: 1 class period

Materials: • Student handouts• Government cards (precut)• PALS projection master

Handouts:• Reading (3 pages; class set)• Activities (3 pages; class set)

Objectives: Students will be able to...• Explain how governments get their power,

authority, legitimacy, and sovereignty

• Analyze governments for key charactersitics

• Describe the relationships power, authority, legitimacy, and sovereignty share

• Consider a government’s legitimacy

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Reading ̶ Side A© 2018 iCivics, Inc.

Foundation Basics Name:

Founded on Foundational Foundations

If you’ve ever been in a building’s basem*nt, you’ve seen the building’s foundation. Even if you’ve never been in a basem*nt, the very top of a building’s foundation can often be seen from the outside. Foundations are pretty important. Buildings don’t do very well without

them. Traditionally, foundations have been made out of blocks or stones—pieces that fit together to create a strong, solid base for the building to sit on.

You can think of the “foundations” of government as the pieces that fit together to create a base that a government sits on. Except these pieces aren’t stones. They’re ideas. Some of these ideas are broad concepts that are foundational to any government, while others are unique to a specific government or a certain way of thinking about government.

Meet Your PALS

All governments have characteristics that you can analyze. Four of the most basic characteristics you can look at in any government are power, authority, legitimacy, and sovereignty:

y Power is the ability to get people to behave in certain ways even when people don’t want to behave in those ways. Think of power as the ability to rule.

y Authority is the right to rule.

y Legitimacy is a society’s belief that their ruler or government has the right to rule.

y Sovereignty is the supreme and ultimate power or authority within a territory. The buck stops with whoever has sovereignty.

Are there different ways to get power? Authority? Are there different ways to get people to believe in their government’s authority? There sure are, and not all of them are nice. But the most basic analysis of a government’s PALS is about the what, not the how. A government either has these characteristics or it doesn’t. Did the government get its PALS by torturing the people into submission? Or did the people get to fill out a ballot while sipping a skinny latté? PALS can exist either way. PALS are the cold, functional blocks at the very bottom of the foundation.

The How Matters

In November 2017, a North Korean soldier was shot several times by his fellow soldiers while making a desperate dash across the border to South Korea. The soldier lived, but what really fascinated the world was what doctors treating him found in his intestines: Parasitic worms. Huge ones—the kind that even surprised the doctors. The North Korean government has serious PALS, which it maintains by doing things like shoot people who try to leave the country. How else could it control citizens who are so poorly cared for that even someone in the military has parasites big enough to shock people in modern nations?

How a government gets and maintains its power, authority, legitimacy, and sovereignty can make a big difference in the lives of its people. Living under the rule of a leader who would rather kill people than let them leave could be very different from living under the rule of a government that gets its PALS from a constitution written by the people. That’s why, most of the time, people don’t analyze the what of PALS—they analyze the how.


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Foundation Basics Name:

Reading ̶ Side B

Pondering PALS for Fun and Profit

Over the centuries, lots of people have spent time and even dedicated their lives to thinking about the how of PALS. Sound boring? Maybe, but you’ve probably thought about it yourself. If you’ve ever wondered why we have an Electoral College instead of electing the president by popular vote, or felt like the rich and powerful have too much influence in government, or been frustrated by the amount of power government has to limit what people do and how they do it, then guess what? You’ve pondered the “how” of PALS, too.

Political philosophy is the study of ideas about what kind of relationship people should have to their society and government. To answer this question, political philosophers explore all kinds of ideas about how society should operate and what kind of life is the best life for people living among other people: What’s fair? What isn’t? Which objectives are worthwhile for people and governments? Which aren’t? What are the best kinds of government? And, of course, what are the best ways for government to get and maintain power, authority, legitimacy, and sovereignty?

Founding Philosophy

The men who created America’s government (and, yes, they were all men) had Western European heritage, so their ideas and education were based in European culture and traditions. While there were societies and governments all across the world, most of those governments got their PALS in ways that America’s Founders didn’t want to copy. For example, China’s history is thousands of years old, but it had always been ruled by en emperor. People in China who were thinking about politics and government were thinking about them in a different way than people in Europe because their starting point was rooted in a different culture and tradition. For America’s Founding Fathers, the ideas about individual rights and liberties that were being discussed by political philosophers in Western Europe were exactly what they had in mind.

Western Europe


NOrTh AmerIcA





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Foundation Basics Name:

Reading ̶ Side C

Ideas for the Ages

The earliest European political philosophers lived about 2,500 years ago in Greece. A lot of the “blocks” in the U.S. government’s foundation are ideas that came from these first philosophers. As Western Europe and the societies that lived in it changed, so did the way people thought—including

political philosophers. There are several eras of political philosophy that scholars identify:

Why were so many people thinking about the fundamentals of government? Because as hard as this may be to imagine (sarcasm alert), people have always been dissatisfied with their governments. Thousands of years ago, societies had the same kinds of problems we have today: imbalance of power between rich and poor, inequality of different groups in society, selfish motives of those in power, and many more issues that would sound pretty familiar to us. These challenges have always existed, and there have always been people interested in finding a better way than whatever system they were living under.

On top of that, most governments in human history have been monarchies ruled by one person who held all the power. It’s easy for one person with too much power to get carried away, so people throughout the ages have been very concerned with what to do about leaders who abuse their power. How can a government get its power, authority, legitimacy, and sovereignty in a way that ensures the people will be treated fairly?

In the rest of this unit, you’ll learn about different ways political philosophers have tried to answer this question—and which ideas made it into America’s own foundation.











Political philosophy began in Greece and continued in Rome. Philosophers used reason and logic to argue that there was a natural moral law that applied to everyone. Based on this, they tried to identify the best forms of government.

European governments had strong connections to the Catholic church. Political philosophers tried to explain the relationship between divine law and human law, including government. Philosophers also adapted ideas from the Ancient/Classical period into their religious/political reasoning.

Across Europe, there was a new fascination with Ancient/Classical ideas, especially reason and logic. Political philosophers began to approach politics as separate from religion. By the end of this period, they had stopped including religious ideas in their discussion of politics.

Political philosophers focused on individual rights, liberty, and the “rule of law.” Philosophers tried to identify the best kinds of government for preserving individuals’ natural rights.




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Political PhilosoPhy timeline

• Where are we on the timeline now?

• Where on the timeline was the U.S. Constitution written?

• How many years

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Foundation Basics Name:

Activity ̶ Side A

A. Power, Authority, & Legitimacy. Read each statement. Decide if it is an example of power, authority, or legitimacy. Underline the word or words that help you decide.

1. ____________ A 1000-year-old tradition that a member of the royal family has the right to rule.

2. ____________ A sovereign leader determines the country’s policies and laws.

3. ____________ A public belief that religious law and a religious deity or deities reign supreme.

4. ____________ Officials elected by the people take on the everyday tasks of governing.

5. ____________ A constitution written by the people giving elected representatives the right to rule.

6. ____________ A system upheld by the people that a leader’s right to rule is determined by God.

7. ____________ A dictator maintains obedience through control of information and fear.

B. PALS and Relations. This activity is an intellectual exercise to help you think about how power, authority, legitimacy, and sovereignty are related. Look back at the definitions in the reading to help you think about each relationship. Complete the chart.

Could you have... How?

Power but not legitimacy?

Authority but not power?

Power but not authority?

Sovereignty but not power?

Legitimacy but not authority?

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Foundation Basics Name:

Activity ̶ Side B

C. A PALS-uation. Each question requires that you invent a situation. Use what you know about power, authority, legitimacy, and sovereignty to help you. Write your answers in complete sentences.

1. What might a citizen say in the presence of a sovereign ruler? Why?



2. What would an illegitimate government look like?



3. How might an aspiring leader challenge another leader’s authority?



D. Legitimacy Test. A government’s legitimacy is based on the general belief of people that their government has the right to rule. Based on this definition, decide if the situations below jeopardize the government’s legitimacy. Then explain your answer.

Government Legitimate? Explanation

Three top military generals overthrow the country’s government. The generals are very popular with the citizens, who cheer by the thousands in streets across the country.




A king’s power to rule his country passes from father to son. The current king’s cousin poisons the king, has the king’s son kidnapped, and proclaims himself the new king.




The mayor of a large city is suspected of committing several crimes related to misuse of her power as mayor. The majority of city residents have lost all faith in her and support a recall election to throw her out of office.




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Foundation Basics Name:

Activity ̶ Side C

E. Political Thought 101. Political philosophy is the study of ideas about what kind of relationship people should have to their society and government. Read four philosophers’ ideas about govermment, then match each philosopher with the real life quote that illustrates his ideas.

People govern themselves? I think not! We’re selfish and

confrontational. Strong leadership is needed.

Government can’t happen unless people agree to it. And if the

government isn’t protecting natural rights, then the people should

probably think about a new government.

Government should follow the will of the

people. We should participate and put the public need before our own. If we

disagree about what’s best, well, then

majority rules.

Separate, limited power: That’s the key. Separate the

government into equal parts and give each part the ability to

limit the power of the other.

C. “During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that conditions called war; and such a war, as if of every man, against every man.” -- Hobbes

D. “All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.” -- Locke

A. “The people of England regards itself as free; but it is grossly mistaken; it is free only during the election of members of parliament. As soon as they are elected, slavery overtakes it, and it is nothing.” -- Rousseau

B. “Political liberty is to be found only in moderate governments [...] But constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and to carry his authority as far as it will go.” -- Montesquieu

1. _____

2. _____

3. _____

4. _____

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Foundation Basics

Government Cards - Side A

Absolute Monarchy

In this form of government, a monarch, generally referred to as a king or queen, rules the country.

Most monarchs come to power through heredity: the current

monarch’s oldest child becomes the next king or queen. Various systems of monarchy exist. In an absolute monarchy, the monarch holds all power and has final say over the


Constitutional Monarchy

In this form of government, a monarch, usually referred to as a king or queen, serves a symbolic role or is granted limited power

through a country’s constitution. He or she may share power with other parts of the government or have

no real power at all. The country’s constitution and laws govern the country and any role the monarch

may enjoy. An executive and legislature conduct the day-to-day

tasks of governing.


In this form of government, a single leader has absolute control

over citizens’ lives. Dictators may maintain control through fear, control of information, or the illusion of protection. In a

dictatorship, a country’s constitution is devalued because the dictator

has control over it. Other branches of government do what the dictator

wants them to do. They do not represent the people.

Republic or Representative Democracy

In this form of government, citizens elect leaders to represent their

rights and interests in government. Most modern day republics are

governed by a primary document, such as a constitution, voted on

by the people. Elected leaders are responsible for performing the tasks and duties of governing the country,

but if the people don’t like what their representatives are doing, they

can vote in new ones.

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Foundation Basics

Government Cards - Side B

Direct DemocracyIn this form of government, citizens participate directly in government according to the laws. Discussions

and debates are public, and citizens are encouraged to become involved. People are responsible

for all aspects of government in a direct democracy. They vote directly on the laws and may even vote to decide the outcome of court cases.

TheocracyIn this form of government, God or a divine being is the ultimate authority. Religious law is used to settle disputes and rule the

people. A theocracy can also be a republic, dictatorship, monarchy, or just about any other form of

government. Modern theocracies are usually found in countries where the population is strongly religious.

OligarchyIn this form of government, a small group has power. Sometimes this

means that only a certain group has political rights, such as members of one political party, social class, or race. But it can also describe a government in which a few people control the country, usually after taking it over by force. Power is passed from one generation to

the next. Control is maintained by oppressing those who oppose the


AnarchyIn this form of government no

one is recognized as the authority. Essentially there is no government.

Anarchy could refer to a state in complete disorder with no regard

for the law. But it can also describe the state of existence before any governments developed. Today,

people who call themselves anarchist usually believe that people should be allowed to

freely associate together without being subject to any nation or


Teacher Guide Foundation Basics - iCivics - [PDF Document] (10)

© 2018 iCivics, Inc.

Foundation Basics Name:

PALS Projection Master

Who has the POWER?

Where does AUTHORITY come from?

How is LEGITIMACY established?


Government Type:


Key Characteristics:

• __________________________

• __________________________

• __________________________

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Foundation Basics Name:

Activity ̶ Side A

A. Power, Authority, & Legitimacy. Read each statement. Decide if it is an example of power, authority, or legitimacy. Underline the word or words that help you decide.

1. ____________ A 1000-year-old tradition that a member of the royal family has the right to rule.

2. ____________ A sovereign leader determines the country’s policies and laws.

3. ____________ A public belief that religious law and a religious deity or deities reign supreme.

4. ____________ Officials elected by the people take on the everyday tasks of governing.

5. ____________ A constitution written by the people giving elected representatives the right to rule.

6. ____________ A system upheld by the people that a leader’s right to rule is determined by God.

7. ____________ A dictator maintains obedience through control of information and fear.

B. PALS and Relations. This activity is an intellectual exercise to help you think about how power, authority, legitimacy, and sovereignty are related. Look back at the definitions in the reading to help you think about each relationship. Complete the chart.

Could you have... How?

Power but not legitimacy?

Authority but not power?

Power but not authority?

Sovereignty but not power?

Legitimacy but not authority?


Answers will vary. Sample answer: A ruler could control the military and the departments of government, maybe using threats or bribes, without the people believing that ruler has the right to rule.

Answers will vary. Sample answer: A leader may have the authority to write laws but no power or resources to enforce them among the public.

Answers will vary. Sample answer: A ruler could seize the government by force with no rightful claim to leadership.

Answers will vary. Sample answer: A symbolic head of state may be considered soveriegn with power residing with other parts of the government.

Answers will vary. Sample answer: The public may accept a leader standing up to corrupt power and ending tyrannical rule without a righful claim to leadership according to the law.








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Foundation Basics Name:

Activity ̶ Side B

C. A PALS-uation. Each question requires that you invent a situation. Use what you know about power, authority, legitimacy, and sovereignty to help you. Write your answers in complete sentences.

1. What might a citizen say in the presence of a sovereign ruler? Why?



2. What would an illegitimate government look like?



3. How might an aspiring leader challenge another leader’s authority?



D. Legitimacy Test. A government’s legitimacy is based on the general belief of people that their government has the right to rule. Based on this definition, decide if the situations below jeopardize the government’s legitimacy. Then explain your answer.

GovernmentLegitimacy in Jeopardy?


Three top military generals overthrow the country’s government. The generals are very popular with the citizens, who cheer by the thousands in streets across the country.




A king’s power to rule his country passes from father to son. The current king’s cousin poisons the king, has the king’s son kidnapped, and proclaims himself the new king.




The mayor of a large city is suspected of committing several crimes related to misuse of her power as mayor. The majority of city residents have lost all faith in her and support a recall election to throw her out of office.





Answers will vary. Accept any reasonable response.

Answers will vary. Accept any reasonable response.

Answers will vary. Accept any reasonable response.

Accept any reasonable response. Sample answer: The people accept the generals and that the generals have overthrown the current system of government. But acceptance of a new government or the generals as leaders through a system the people approve has yet to be confirmed.

Accept any reasonable response. Sample answer: Power was obtained through corrupt illegitimate means. If the truth is exposed, the government’s legitimacy in in jeopardy.

A recall election is a legitimate method of removing an elected official from office.

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Foundation Basics Name:

Activity ̶ Side C

E. Political Thought 101. Political philosophy is the study of ideas about what kind of relationship people should have to their society and government. Read four philosophers’ ideas about govermment, then match each philosopher with the real life quote that illustrates his ideas.

People govern themselves? I think not! We’re selfish and

confrontational. Strong leadership is needed.

Government can’t happen unless people agree to it. And if the

government isn’t protecting natural rights, then the people should

probably think about a new government.

Government should follow the will of the

people. We should participate and put the public need before our own. If we

disagree about what’s best, well, then

majority rules.

Separate, limited power: That’s the key. Separate the

government into equal parts and give each part the ability to

limit the power of the other.

C. “During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that conditions called war; and such a war, as if of every man, against every man.” -- Hobbes

D. “All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.” -- Locke

A. “The people of England regards itself as free; but it is grossly mistaken; it is free only during the election of members of parliament. As soon as they are elected, slavery overtakes it, and it is nothing.” -- Rousseau

B. “Political liberty is to be found only in moderate governments [...] But constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and to carry his authority as far as it will go.” -- Montesquieu

1. _____

2. _____

3. _____

4. _____






Teacher Guide Foundation Basics - iCivics - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.