PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (2024)


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PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (13)

PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (14)BillPPowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (15)


Posted: ‎2023-03-1601:26 PM




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Posted: ‎2023-03-1601:26 PM

PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download

PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download.


This version of PowerChute replaces PowerChute Business Edition and PowerChute Personal Edition for Windows OS only. Other OS will be supported over time.

The communication method for a Smart-UPS can be Serial or USB. For a Back-UPS, only USB communication is supported.

The version is web-based—the same as the PowerChute Business Edition Agent since the release of Agent version 9.5.

I have attached a copy of the release notes, the Introduction, the Brochure, and the Compatibility chart.

NOTE: We are still processing the Users and Installation Guides. They should be available in a few days.

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Replies 7

PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (16)

PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (17)sagi.varma


Posted: ‎2023-04-0405:02 PM



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Posted: ‎2023-04-0405:02 PM

Hi BillP,

thanks for sharing the details. IsPowerChute Serial Shutdown free or is it paid version. Please let me know where I can find the cost details of the software.


Sagi Varma

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PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (18)

PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (19)BillPPowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (20)


Posted: ‎2023-04-0608:59 AM



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Posted: ‎2023-04-0608:59 AM


This version is free.

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PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (21)



Posted: ‎2023-05-0601:19 PM



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Posted: ‎2023-05-0601:19 PM

Hello BillP,

Not too long a ago, I purchased a Back-UPS BGM1500 and was using PCPE on my old PC.

While moving everything to a new PC, I discovered the following in the PCSS user manual:

PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (22)

Then what software should be used with a BGM1500??

Thanks in advance,


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PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (23)

PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (24)BillPPowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (25)


Posted: ‎2023-05-0811:31 AM




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Posted: ‎2023-05-0811:31 AM


PowerChute Serial Shutdown is compatible with the BGM1500. See Schneider Electric FAQ FA315835

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PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (26)



Posted: ‎2023-05-0804:37 PM

In response to BillP



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Posted: ‎2023-05-0804:37 PM

Thank you.

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PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (27)

PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (28)Taomyn_apc


Posted: ‎2023-10-0912:39 AM



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Posted: ‎2023-10-0912:39 AM

Any news on a version for Linux? Since release all I have seen is a link for an RPM key, not a package, but nothing explaining how to use it or anything else about it.

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PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (29)



Posted: ‎2023-12-2207:21 AM



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Posted: ‎2023-12-2207:21 AM

What's about the Linux-Version?

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PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (31)

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PowerChute Serial Shutdown is available to download (2024)
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