Dark Side of the Moon - Chapter 6 - MismanagedMischief (2024)

Chapter Text

In his time as Hound’s captive, Iruka had come to learn quite a bit about the mysterious ANBU headquarters into which he had been sequestered. Though the entire underground building had been termed “The Dungeons,” really about half of it was dedicated as living quarters and training rooms for the elite nin that frequented the complex. It was to this half that Iruka had been restricted, having become well used to the new routine that Hound kept him to as part of his “re-education” following his insubordination in the woods. During this time Iruka had gotten to know his ANBU lover on a more personal level. Begun to suss out many of Hound’s quirks and moods. The distinction between them wasn’t arguably that important since any mood of his usually still resulted in the brunette bent over the nearest available surface within the headquarters, being pleasured and punished until he cried.

His sad*stic lover was woefully creative when it came to concocting new ways of tormenting his captive chuunin, many of them centering around punishing and humiliating his fiery charge through increasingly devious methods. The ANBU seemed to delight in disciplining Iruka for the most minor offences (in the brunette’s opinion). However this was by no means his most terrifying mood. It was when Hound was feeling ‘playful’ that Iruka really became concerned. The man was a sad*st through and through, any playfulness that he was feeling never tended to go well for the poor brunette chuunin that he held captive.

And so, when Hound had come into Iruka’s small bedroom (situated beside his own quarters) with an amused, cheerful air about him, Iruka had been rightfully concerned for his own well-being.

“I heard some interesting news today, Ru.” Hound told him, leaning against the doorframe with an idle slouch to his shoulders. Iruka immediately found himself wary. There were very few instances where Hound didn’t take full, physical advantage of having Iruka within claws-reach. Something was clearly afoot.

Wary and doing his utmost not to somehow incite the man before him, Iruka slowly lowered his book and turned his head towards the ANBU with a barely-concealed suspicious look on his face.

Unperturbed by the sour expression on his pet’s face, Hound continued. “It seems you aren’t the only Chuunin found snooping where they shouldn’t in the village. Two interlopers were caught in the private archives of the Hokage Tower just his morning.”

Iruka frowned, confused by the seemingly random topic. He attempted to wait out Hound in hopes he would continue talking but as the minutes dragged on he became more concerned about why this topic was brought up to him. Was it because he was also a Chuunin? Did Hound want to know if he had met other Chuunin that he considered suspicious during his time working in the Hokage Tower? But that didn’t make much sense as he had only been promoted a few weeks ago and barely knew anyone else in his rank. All of his friends so far were Chuunin, aside from a few others who had been promoted the year prior to him.

Baffled and a bit annoyed Iruka finally broke the silence.

“…So? Do you need to leave to go interrogate them?”

Iruka hissed at the part of himself that felt sad at the thought of Hound leaving him alone. Sure he had his books to entertain him but in his time confined in the Dungeon he had come to appreciate having Hound living so close to him. He would even say he had come to enjoy the man’s smell and the little sounds he made as he moved around his quarters-a sure sign that the elite nin was relaxed around Iruka as the young Chuunin could not remember a single time prior that he has been able to detect Hound’s coming and goings, given the skill with which the elite nin moved.

Instead of answering directly Hound chuckled, a small sound but soft and warm enough to make Iruka’s heart stutter at the affectionate expression. His heart sped up again when he heard Hound’s next words.

“I suppose I should soon but I do so hate to go down there alone.” He leaned in close enough that Iruka could feel the chill of his mask against his face. “It’s awfully eery down in the interrogation rooms.” Hound murmured, smiling as he saw goosebumps erupt across the warm brown skin of his lover.

“I’m sure you’ll survive.” Iruka quipped, gripping the bed sheets under him like a lifeline. No way was he venturing to the actual ANBU cells within the Dungeon. He didn’t even want to think about what could be down there. He shivered at the prospect.

“Come now, Iruka.” Hound cooed at him, the overly sweet sound setting Iruka’s teeth on edge. He was damned already if his lover was talking like that to him. This tone meant that Hound was feeling playful. “There’s no need to be scared, I’ll protect you.”

Iruka bit his lip around his knee-jerk response but he knew Hound could already guess what he was about to say.

‘Who will protect me from you then?’

Hound sighed, his shoulders slumping exaggeratedly as he looked down at his recalcitrant charge glowering suspiciously back at him.

“Seems that I’ve been too soft on you-“

He didn’t even finish his sentence before Iruka was up and heading towards the door, his book tossed carelessly across the room in his haste to get up.

“No, nope, you’ve been more than strict. I have long learned my lesson. Did you say we were heading to the interrogation cells? Lead the way, please.”

Hound merely shrugged his shoulders, staring after his lover’s fleeing form with amusem*nt.


The walk leading towards the cells was far more unnerving than Iruka had been expecting. Before him stretched a seemingly endless tunnel system along which lay identical, dark doorways that appeared to lead nowhere. The set up was not dissimilar from the ANBU living quarters behind them but Iruka had become well-enough used to them that he could not find that area scary anymore. For one thing, the living quarters were well-lit and consistently traversed. Though Iruka would occasionally jump when silently accosted by the stealthy ANBU nin who visited or resided there he quickly became used to their comings and goings. They in turn paid him little attention, seeming to already know that he was under Hound’s watch and therefore were aware that he was already supervised…and protected.

Iruka had even run into some presumably lower ranked, un-masked nin from time to time. One in particular was a tired looking brunette with a chronic cough who delivered the weapons and fresh laundry throughout the barracks. Iruka barely spoke to him but he tried to be polite whenever they interacted… particularly given the frequency with which the man had had to deliver fresh sheets to Hound’s quarters since Iruka’s arrival. At first meeting he had seemed intimidating but Iruka had soon learned he could be fairly kind though largely taciturn. He was frequently accompanied by a purple-haired ANBU who wore an eery feline-esque mask, though the design was too barefaced for Iruka to make out the exact animal she was meant to emulate. Like the other ANBU he found her intimidating but sensed she regarded him with minimal emotion beyond pity and a sort of kind regard for the polite way he spoke to her companion.

The presence of these nin had helped to make the quarters seem populated, lived in even.

That was not the case in this portion of the dungeons. Here the place seemed abandoned, desolate but if Iruka paid attention he could hear the low hum of silencing wards spanning every few feet along the hallway. If this remote prison needed silencing charms Iruka could not dare to assume that it was empty. And somehow that unnerved him more. He shivered as a cold draft wafted through the tunnels, clutching the thin blue kimono that Hound had ‘oh so generously’ provided to him in lieu of his uniform. He tried not to dwell on the fact that he had been given nothing else to wear underneath, his bare thighs trembling as the cold air wafted through the thin material of his kimono. Though he tried to hide his squirming he knew that Hound could sense his every movement, amusem*nt seeming to fall off the man in waves at his discomfort even as the ANBU maintained his stoic demeanour while leading Iruka towards their ominous destination. Iruka wanted to be angry at his brave demeanour but instead felt himself shift ever closer to his domineering companion, taking comfort in his calm while they journeyed ever deeper underground.

His comfort was shattered as Hound gestured for him to halt in front of a seemingly random doorway on their left. Iruka craned his neck into the gloom but could not see anything beyond the murky shadows which consumed the room in front of him. Craning his neck from side to side he gaped at the uniform arrangement on either side of him, suddenly feeling both lost and trapped as he could not even remember which direction they had come from. Beside him Hound merely folded his arms, angling his mask towards Iruka while he waited for him to go inside. Iruka glowered at Hound, reaching out to grasp the armoured wrist of the man next to him.

“I am not going in there.” He hissed, casting another wary glance into the shadows before him.

Hound merely paused before reaching out and seizing the sash from Iruka’s hips, undoing it deftly and tossing it into the darkened room before them. Iruka coughed loudly in shock, grasping at the undone ends of his kimono and glowering tearily at Hound who merely pointed ahead of them.

“Best go fetch that before your robe is next.”

Spurred on by the fiery anger consuming his fear Iruka petulantly stomped inside, coming up short when the gloom around him dissipated and he was suddenly standing in a dimly lit stone-walled chamber. Though not well-illuminated, the quarters were still brighter than they had appeared from outside the door and when Iruka looked back in that direction he gaped as he saw his ANBU captor step through a film of shadows as he also joined Iruka inside. Was the room warded by some genjutsu? What was its purpose if he was able to pass through it so easily?

His thoughts were halted as Hound strode past him, coming to stand before a barred cell set against the far wall of the chamber. Iruka squinted to see into the shadowed cell, grateful when his eyes adjusted to the darkness and he could vaguely make out a wide cot and some silhouettes within the confines. He jumped when a badger masked ANBU came up from within the cell to greet Hound, the two exchanging signed greetings as they silently communicated to each other through the bars. The badger ANBU glanced at Iruka before initiating a flurry of hand signals. Iruka frowned for a moment before the intent became clear as the buzz of a silencing ward was lifted and suddenly he could hear again. The room had been warded with more than genjutsu evidently.

Iruka gasped, grateful when the sound reached his ears and another sensation was returned to him. Though he swiftly became aware of the noises the jutsu had been covering. From within the cell came the sound of sobbing and the slapping of flesh, a sound that had become unfortunately familiar to Iruka in his time since meeting Hound. Someone was being spanked.

Coming forwards, he clutched his loose kimono tighter around himself as he gazed into the dark confines of the cell. Within it he could see a third ANBU seated on the cot, another body, male and completely nude, had been pulled supine across his lap and was held in place while this hawk-masked ANBU lay slap after methodical slap across his reddened bare bottom. Iruka could hear whimpers and sobs emerging from the nude male even as his legs kicked out petulantly in an attempt to halt the punishment. A hopeless attempt which only earned him a brief pause before the hawk-masked ANBU doubled down on his punishment, increasing the intensity of his spanking with a detached fervour that had Iruka wincing in sympathy. His attention was drawn by another cry, this one familiar as a second nude body scrambled towards him to grasp at the bars dividing them.


Iruka stared uncomprehendingly into the eyes of his old Genin teammate. Izumo. His childhood friend was in this prison. What the f*ck.

“Zu?” Iruka choked, falling to his knees and grasping at Izumo’s hands through the bars. “What are you doing here?” He questioned as he stared at his fellow Chuunin in horror.

Through sobs Izumo managed to stutter out an explanation. “You-you were gone! Just disappeared on a routine patrol bu-but no one said you were dead or captured or anything! No matter who we asked we were stonewalled. We didn’t know what to d o. We didn’t-“

The Badger masked ANBU cut in. “You didn’t take the hint.”

Izumo froze, staring up the ANBU with a wary expression etched into his tear-stricken face. The badger masked ANBU stared back, leaning lackadaisically against the bars in a casual slouch. Completely unperturbed despite the rather fraught circ*mstances.

“Nor did he.” A new voice said and Iruka looked past Izumo to see the hawk-masked ANBU finally stand, pulling his abused captive into his arms as he made his way towards the bars. Iruka gaped as the captive raised his head and he found himself staring at his other childhood teammate, Kotetsu.

“Ko.” He whispered, looking him up and down for any injury and sighing in relief when he saw that his friend’s skin was unmarred. Well, aside from his poor ass which was a pulsating red from his spanking. Iruka paused and found himself blushing a bit when he glanced down further and saw that his friend was erect. Evidently the spanking had left him with more than just a bruised ass, and ego given how Kotetsu blushed and looked away from Iruka’s gaze.

“They shouldn’t be here, Hound, they have nothing to do with us. Let them go!” Iruka hissed, glaring mutinously.

“They have violated village law.” Hawk answered, his tone sharp in the face of Iruka’s temper. Iruka could tell that this stern ANBU was the more serious member. Beside him his partner merely seemed amused, the painted on mouth of his badger mask seeming to stretch into an endless grin as he watched their interaction.

“It’s like I tried to tell you earlier, Ru.” Hound said. “Both of them were found trying to break into the private archives in the Hokage Tower.”

Iruka stumbled over his words as his put together what Hound was saying. If that was true then they could be charged with treason! At least in the worst case, otherwise perhaps he could help to dissuade the ANBU from that conclusion? His thoughts raced as he tried to put together a defence for his wayward friends.

“Then at worse they should be suspended without pay.” Iruka argued, stepping up to Hawk and folding his arms. “They never actually broke into anything and you have no proof that their tripping of the alarms was intentional.”

“Except we do, by their admission.” The stern ANBU answered coldly, pointing towards where Izumo and Kotetsu were now huddled together and flushing guiltily under Iruka’s surprised expression.

Iruka stuttered a bit before regaining his footing. “Still they didn’t mean any harm to the village’s safety. Imprisoning them in the same place where you lock up S-rank criminals is barbaric and wrong!”

He glowered at the three elite nin before him, crossing his arms mutinously while all three regarded him thoughtfully in turn.

“You truly have failed to educate him, Hound, if he is still so ignorant to his own misbehaviour.” The stern hawk-masked ANBU said

Hound hummed thoughtfully. “I know, Hawk. But my lessons have mainly been…physical.” Iruka blushed as he felt Hound’s gaze sweep up and down his thinly clad body pointedly. “Perhaps you might help me to teach him some manners at least? Common sense seems beyond his capabilities.”

Iruka stumbled back as Hound moved towards him, stopping short when he realised that Badger has transported behind him, waggling his fingers cheerily in the bemused Chuunin’s face as be blocked his escape.

Turning back Iruka jumped as he came face to face with the Cheshire grin of Hound’s painted mask, struggling to hold onto his robe when he saw Hound raise his hands and reach towards him. It was useless.

In one swift movement Hound had divested Iruka of his kimono and tossed him through the newly opened bars, thankfully not placing too much force behind his throw but still leaving the brunette with little choice but to yield to the forward momentum and fall inside the cell. Iruka let out a soft gasp as his bare skin touched the cold ground, his training kicking in as he rolled to avoid injuring himself. He came to a halt by his friends who both reached out to steady him. He gave them a grateful look that was interrupted by the sound of three ANBU prowling towards them, driving them further back inside the cell.

“Suspended without pay, huh? Now that gives me an idea.”

Iruka quivered as the three ANBU stepped forward. Like magnets, Iruka, Izumo and Kotetsu cuddled together as the three elite soldiers hovered over the naked, sweaty trio menacingly. All light in their cell seemed to wane under the long shadows cast by the elite nin who regarded their errant victims with both intent and a sense of almost detached, sad*stic amusem*nt.

In a movement too quick to see, Izumo is pulled from Iruka’s grasp, his friend’s fingers leaving red welts on Iruka’s wrist as he is dragged into Badger’s arms. His friend’s trembling only increases as the mischievous ANBU leans down to lick at Izumo’s ear while his clawed hand strays down to toy with his captive’s erect buds, cupping the Chuunin’s chest vulgarly. Iruka is enthralled by the sight, watching as Izumo’s traitorous dick begins to fill with blood, an errant silver drop already gathering at the tip from the lewd foreplay.

Kotetsu suddenly gasps next to him and Iruka turns his head to follow his gaze, staring in horror at the chains that Hawk is pulling down from the high ceiling. The sinister grey metal gleams dully in the dim prison light and further malevolent shadows are cast against the harsh stone wall as the chains sway lightly in front of them. Hawk holds out the first manacle to his partner who has herded a whimpering Izumo towards the chains, still whispering in his ear while the Chuunin holds his own wrists tightly to his chest. Hawk appears annoyed by the delay, stepping towards a far table and picking up a thin, wooden rod which he brandishes threatening at Izumo. Having learned his lesson from watching Kotetsu’s earlier punishment, Izumo slowly releases his wrists which are soon imprisoned in the large manacles.

While Badger is securing his first friend in chains, Hawk is already turning back towards where Iruka and Kotetsu were still cowering. Rather than step forwards he instead holds out his hand towards Kotetsu, tilting his head sternly when Ko cowers backwards.

“Now, Chuunin. Or I can assure you this will get worse.”

Kotetsu seems to wrestle with himself, staring helplessly towards his first tormentor even while he curls his lip defiantly. Caught in a war of wills the two seem to pause there for a time, moments stretching on eternally until Hawk breaks the tension by raising his cane.

Not even during training has Iruka ever seen Kotetsu move to fast, the young Chuunin already up on his feet and stomping petulantly towards the ANBU who grabs his arm harshly once he his within reach so he can lean down and whisper menacingly.

“If you ever fail to obey my orders again I will ensure that you cannot even walk without feeling pain.”

With a swift move Hawk has Kotetsu’s legs spread and delivers three hard strikes to his inner thighs with the cane, causing Ko to yowl in pain even as he does his utmost to hold the position though his knees lock inwards from the strain of holding himself upright. Iruka almost marvels at the sudden obedience instilled in his infamously defiant friend. He is drawn from the sight of Ko also being led towards the chains by a new shadow coming to stand over him.

Iruka glances up and balks when he does not see Hound standing before him. Instead Badger has evidently finished stringing Izumo up and silently made his way towards the remaining victim in that cell. Himself.

He can’t help but wrench backwards as Badger reaches down towards him, flailing his limbs childishly as he begins to yell. “No, no! Do not touch me! Don’t you dare lay your hands on me, you bastard!”

His shrieking evidently does not deter Badger who merely reaches down to wrench Iruka forcefully to his feet my his elbow. “Calm down, Chuunin.” The man tries to order, having to re-attach his hand to Iruka’s bicep at the teenager continues to flail.

“I said don’t touch me! I don’t want the likes of you to lay your hands on me, you cur!” He shrieks, feeling angry hot tears gather in his eyes as those strange hands continue to burn hotly on his already overheated skin. The struggle is broken by a calm voice from over Iruka’s shoulder.

“Who do you want to touch you, Iruka?” Hound asks.

Iruka cranes his head, glowering helplessly at his stoic lover behind him. They all pause there, frozen aside from Iruka’s harsh, frantic gasps for air. Eventually he manages to calm somewhat, swallowing drily and sticking out his lip in a pleading expression directed towards Hound.”

“You, Hound, please, I only want you!” Iruka begs, pulling away from Badger’s touch as he turned desperately towards his lover’s direction. Tears welled in his eyes as Hound regards him stoically for a long few moments before finally stepping forwards.

“Try not to regret that, Iruka.” Hound murmurs, his croon sending shivers down Iruka’s back. Still he could not help the sense of relief that he felt as Hound stepped up to pull his shivering Chuunin towards him, his gloved hands coming over his eyes so he could lean in, shift his mask and kiss him full on. Soon the hand is being replaced by soft silk and in the back of Iruka’s lust -hazed mind he recalls his forgotten sash which has been so carelessly thrown into the prison cell earlier. Had Hound actually retrieved the fabric to use as a makeshift blindfold? He doesn’t have time to dwell on this thought as his chin his seized by two gloved hands which pry his mouth open for Hound to plunder.

Iruka shivers with pleasure as he feels Hound’s dextrous tongue pry into his mouth, playing with his own tongue and guiding Iruka to kiss him more deeply. Iruka shudders when Hound playfully presses his sharp teeth down on his soft tongue, the tingles from the slow slide of his incisors along that flesh causing him to grind his bare dick into Hound’s thigh. He mewls when his erect co*ck touches the cold metal of Hound’s armour but can’t stop himself from pushing deeper into Hound’s embrace. Secretly this is his favourite way to be held by his sad*stic lover: him bare and vulnerable while his hot flesh is pressed helplessly into the icy metal of his terrifying ANBU lover’s uniform. He further trembles when he feels the telltale prickle of sharp claws glide across his hips to grasp at his fleshy ass, the gloved hands massaging his bruised cheeks harshly before spreading him open to expose Iruka’s twitching pink bud.

Iruka can’t help by gasp in embarrassment. With his eyesight gone he has no idea who in the room is witnesses his most vulnerable hole being pried open, his insides revealed to strangers and friends alike. He whines at the valiant twitch his erect co*ck gives at the humiliating treatment. He loves this. He loves being toyed with by Hound, his sad*stic lover showing off to everyone how the teenage Chuunin belongs solely to him.

“Such a shameful slu*t.” He hears whispered fiercely into his ear. Iruka mewls in response, opening his drooling mouth to beg for Hound’s tongue again. Instead Hound nips at his lips, his hot breath flowing over Iruka’s face as he continues to speak. “If you could see yourself. Such a perfect little pet, bending and spreading your most intimate places at my discretion. Taking such joy in showing the world who you belong to. Who is it Iruka?” He asks.

Iruka can’t speak for a while, too blinded by shame and lust to string any words together coherently. He jolts when one cheek is released, a whoosh of air his only warning before pain erupts over his still bruised ass cheeks and he cries out from the sharp pain.

“I asked you a question Chuunin, answer me.” Hound orders.

“Y-you!” Iruka whimpers, curling closer towards his lover and kissing blindly at the cold metal armour covering his lover’s chest. “Hound, you, my lover-ah!” He yelps as he is spanked again, the force of the smack pushing his sore dick ruthlessly into Hound’s hard thigh. He trembles and clenches his thighs in an attempt to keep from spurting. Knowing Hound he would force Iruka to his knees to clean him should he sully his armour. Iruka cannot say he is against that thought but he so enjoys being held in Hound’s arms.

So caught up in the pleasure and pain being wrought upon him, Iruka does not even notice himself being led deeper into the cell until his shins hit something hard and he suddenly finds himself collapsing onto slightly scratchy cotton sheets.

He barely has time to orient himself before he is pushed to his knees, his ass being raised high so that cold oil could be dribbled into his hole, the glass vial pulled from Hound’s weapons pouch based on the clinking sound that he hears from behind him. He groans at the chilly liquid which slithers down his crack to gather into a slimy pool at his bud. He squeals when he feels Hound’s fingers suddenly pry into his hole, the dextrous appendages pulling open his rim so that he can sufficiently lube his squirming lover. As with everything, Hound his efficient in prepping his Chuunin and soon Iruka is whining for his co*ck like a lust-starved brat. Of course this is when Hound chooses to pause, almost in thought before suddenly Iruka feels the blindfold wrenched from his eyes.

His vision comes back to him slowly but in the stillness following the removal he can hear squelching and moaning. It takes a while for his eyes to adjust to the dim lighting but once they do he is shocked to see Kotetsu and Izumo dangling before him, their helpless naked bodies strung up from the ceiling by their wrists. Glancing downs he can see that their knees have been tied to their own chest, leaving their winking holes open for torment from the two ANBU standing behind them. Each of them have nipple clamps attached to their vulnerable buds and in casting his eyes further down Iruka can see the gleam of two silver rods protruding from their shaking dicks. The two sad*sts had pushed sounds down his two friend’s urethra’s, Iruka realises horrified by the treatment his friends had endured. He has little time to dwell on their state before he feels the tip of Hound’s bare dick kiss his pink hole and he is soon pulled back breathlessly onto the thick, hot length of his captor.

As always the thrust knocks the breath out of him and he is left gasping while the length reaches inside him to nudge at his prostrate, the sensation causing his vision to become eclipsed by stars as pleasure ignites like fire in his loins. As usual, Hound retains a brutal pace, easily pulling Iruka’s first org*sm from him and f*cking him through it even as his length spasms helpless in overstimulation.

Before him his friends are undergoing their own torment. Kotetsu is pulled into a harsh hold, yelping as Hawk’s gloved hand comes down to brutally squeeze at his spanking-reddened ass cheeks. His squeals are soon halted by a thick leather strap bring pulled over his mouth, Hawk’s other hand leaving his ass to instead pry his teeth apart like a horse taking a bit. Soon the poor Chunin is left gagged and even more defenceless while his captor returns to tormenting his ass, his fingers prying open his bare pink hole so that he can also lather the teenager’s asshole with oil.

Iruka finds himself apologising helplessly, crawling forwards onto his knees to mindlessly kiss the sweaty skin of his two friends in supplication while he begged for their forgiveness. All the while Hound continues to drive ruthlessly into him from behind, pulling a second org*sm from the shaking teen even as he transitions to licking the salty skin before him in an attempt to deal with the overstimulation now consuming him.

“Ah, R-Ru it’s okay.” Izumo gasps in answer to his repeated sorries, his hips rising and falling in time to Badger’s strokes across his co*ck. Next to him Kotetsu appears to nod, his teary eyes staring with commiseration into Iruka’s own even as he grinds down further onto Hawk’s fingers, flinching when the ANBU’s other hand comes around to toy with the thin silver rod in his co*ck. Iruka also flinches in sympathy as he sees the gleaming sound pulled a few inches out of his hole, only to be thrust back in brutally causing Kotetsu to howl around his gag as his hips spasm from the sudden onset of pleasure being delivered to his prostrate from both his dick and his asshole. He whimpers pathetically as Hawk’s fingers wrap around his base, pressing down harshly to prevent him from coming without his permission.

Iruka does not have much time to dwell on this sorry sight before he feels his long sweaty hair grasped in a tight fist and his head is pushed down into the rough cotton of the sheets. Helpless, Iruka tries to at least angle his hips slightly away but Hound’s other hand is already grasping his waist and pulling him back ruthlessly while he drives into the vulnerable teenager below him. Like that the three teenager’s moans echo in tandem throughout the cell as all of them are brought to the final height of pleasure by their individual tormentors.

Through bleary eyes Iruka flinches in sympathy as he sees Ko and Izumo dangle from their chains, their sweat covered bodies glimmering in the dim light while they tremble with the aftershocks of their forced org*sm. Their spent dicks lie deplete against their thighs, the cruel thin rods evidently pulled from their urethra at the moment of climax leaving the dripping organs to twitch erratically in the aftermath in a vain attempt to become erect again. He is once more pulled from his daze by Hounds arms coming around his waist again, this time pulling him from his length and turning him over so Iruka is left lying supine on his back on the cot.

He vaguely hears the clattering of metal behind him before his two friends are deposited unceremoniously beside him, the fellow Chuunin curling instinctively into Iruka’s sides as the three stare up the the ANBU standing before them warily.

“How lovely.” Badger sighs wistfully, reaching down to catch a drop of sweat from Kotestu’s thigh, his sharp claw following the path of the water back up towards his hip while goosebumps erupt from the teasing gesture. Ko whimpers at the contact but evidently knows better than to close his legs, instead allowing his bruised thighs to butterfly open in supplication. He receives a soft stroke to his limp organ for his efforts, to which he can only whine pitifully at the sensation applied to his oversensitive length.

On Iruka’s other side Izumo is mindlessly suckling on Hawk’s knuckle, staring drunkenly into the dark shadows of his mask as though attempting to make eye contact with his other tormentor. Iruka almost laughs incredulously at the sight. Izumo has always been the more submissive of his two friends.

Nestled amongst his sweaty friends on the cot, Iruka turns forwards to stare at his lover who has already put away his length and now stands over Iruka almost thoughtfully, looking enviably unruffled despite the intensity of their f*cking just minutes earlier.

“I would say they have learned their lesson here.” He finally speaks, nodding towards the three Chuunin as he addresses his colleagues.

Hawk merely humphs, never once looking away from the younger Chuunin beneath him still suckling his fingers. “It was only one session, Hound. You should know from experience that it takes further discipline to tame such disobedience.”

Beside him Badger chuckles, clenching his hand into a fist around Ko’s dick as he sad*stically tries to coax the spent Chuunin into another reluctant org*sm. “Discipline or otherwise, I would like to spend a bit more time with these lovely creatures.”

Hawk does not say anything in response. Nor does he pull his hand away from Izumo’s eager mouth, the Chuunin's pink tongue now flicking out to lave at the sharp metal tips of Hawk’s gloved fingers.

Were Iruka more coherent, and not in the wake of another daunting session with Hound, he might think to protest. As it stands, lying between his blissed out friends and listening to Ko’s breath hitch as he is pulled deeper into pleasure Iruka cannot think of a single though that he could voice. Instead he stares straight ahead into Hound’s masked face, tilting his head enquiringly at the older nin who in turn regards him intently. Suddenly he raises his hand and through his exhausted, post coital haze Iruka could just make out Hound’s ANBU mask above him being shifted to the side. He had barely a glimpse of silver hair and pale skin before his entire sightline was taken by a glowing red orb in front of him.

Before his eyes inky swirls began to turn and suddenly he felt himself falling away from his own consciousness, descending into the depths of sleep against his will while a smooth voice whispered sweet little lies into his ear.

“Well done, Iruka, such a good obedient pet for me.”


Iruka woke slowly, hissing from the twinge of his sore muscles as he attempted to burrow himself deeper into his comforter. Through the fog of his dream-stained vision he could make out the familiar walls surrounding him, squinting against the late night gloom until his thoughts solidified and he suddenly pulled himself upright. He gaped in astonishment as he took in the sight of his bedroom, still set up the exact same as when he had left it to go on patrol what seemed like an entire eternity ago.

Oh. He was home. Hound had let him go.

Finding that he was too depleted to parse through the experience of his recent imprisonment Iruka simply laid back and snuggled deeper into his covers, hissing slightly from the bruises that still adorned his body. Based off the obnoxious green glow of his cheap alarm clock it was only 1 am. And he would soon likely need to drag himself to the Hokage Tower and sheepishly try to explain his absence to his colleagues at the assignment desk. He was already envisioning his awkward future encounters with Kotetsu and Izumo. f*ck what should he say to them? Should he say anything?

Iruka really didn’t know anymore. The only thing he did know was that he was exhausted. He should try to get some sleep and put off his problems until tomorrow.

As his eyelids slid closed one last time Iruka did his best to ignore the shifting shadows in the boughs of the tree outside him window. Nothing was there, he murmured to himself, he was all alone. Finally alone.



“Well that was a productive session.” Genma sang, swiping off his badger mask and winking at his partner.

Raidou in turn humphed, carefully undoing his own hawk mask and hanging the attached straps onto the nailed pegs in their private quarters.

“They should count themselves lucky we did not take their insubordination more seriously. If Ibiki were not so busy interrogating Danzo’s brainwashed traitors then-“

Genma sighed and flopped himself dramatically onto their bed. “Don’t be such a hard-ass, Raidou. This was exactly the kind of discipline any ANBU or Jounin would be expected give to a lower-ranked nin that stepped out of line like that.” He reached up his hand, waggling his fingers at his stoic partner in invitation to join him.

Instead Raidou crossed his arms, staring down at Genma coldly. “That is the kind of discipline reserved solely for an ANBU’s companion. Those two are not exclusive to any member within our rank.”

Genma paused for a bit before leaning his head back against his hands and staring towards the ceiling thoughtfully. “It was fun though. They were quite sensitive and the way they writhed when we teased them was just exquisite.” He turned his head back towards Raidou, a twinkle in his eye while his smirk grew upon his lips. “I would’t mind getting to punish them again. Exclusively.” He teased, parroting Raidou’s word back at him.

Rather than getting angry Raidou also paused in thought, an intrigued look on his face. “I would imagine we needn’t wait on that front. Both of them have a disciplinary record that is nearly as long as Umino’s.”

“We ought to take them in hand soon, then.” Genma murmured, smiling as he watched Raidou mull over his proposal and eventually come to a final conclusion. It really didn’t take long at all, the tsundere bastard already knowing exactly what his answer would be before Genma has even made his proposition.

“Yes, we really ought to.”

Far across the village two sleeping young Chuunin shivered, curling closer to each other in the small bed of their shared apartment as an ominous feeling crept over them in their unconscious state.

Dark Side of the Moon - Chapter 6 - MismanagedMischief (2024)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.